Wednesday, May 5, 2010

ARTScool presentation for Group of First Grade Students

In what is becoming my signature introduction demo, I speed sketch a dragon on the board to grab the students attention from the start. Thanks to Marilyn from Charity for Change for taking these pictures (otherwise it would have been awfully difficult to give a presentation and take pictures of myself at the same time). This presentation was a prize for a class of first graders in the School "Giver" Program. Since they invited a second class to join them, we had about 50 students in attendance.
We talked about the mission of the Naples Art Association at The von Liebig Art Center and upcoming summer art school program ARTScool.
After having filled the board with demo drawings, I decided to switch to my trusty clipboard for the remaining sketches. That way the students could keep them as souvenirs of the presentation and/or teachers could make copies if multiple students were interested in them.
One of my favorite watercolor pencil illustrations for show-and-tell that I originally made for a birthday party at the Miami Children's Museum.
These are the 2 custom colored samples and the coloring sheets for the kids that I made in advance specially for this event.

"Artist Ninja can paint you into a corner" (joke courtesy of Sheri whom you'll certainly meet if you attend ARTScool)

We completed the hour by drawing as many students' requests as possible with my Worther Shorty leadholder and Sakura Pigma Sensei pens : lots of dragons, a mermaid, a Barbie fairy, a robot, a ninja, and a Bakugan-inspired robot.
Also brought a few of my completed sketchbooks to give the students an idea of the amount of practice and type of art materials exploration that can be conducted on them. I hope that will encourage some kids to start sketchbooks of their own since a couple asked were you can find them.

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