Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Certificate of Appreciation from JROTC cadets

I picked up this neat appreciation certificate at The von Liebig Art Center after Nicole e-mailed me that she had received a lovely thank you gift from one of my docent tour groups at her office. It was very nice to learn how much the Titan JROTC cadets enjoyed their visit to the Art Center and impromptu cartooning session. The focus that these students place on the concept of "Respect" is really quite admirable, for many schools could really benefit from embracing such attitude and discipline at all levels. Depending on classroom availability and the nature of future exhibits, we could probably plan for short art workshops so that the students could explore their creativity speed sketching, drawing their own artist trading cards, and learning how to assemble their own sketching kits. Going to have to brainstorm this a bit further. We are looking forward to hosting more groups of cadets at the Art Center for our fall exhibits during the next school term. Congratulations to the graduating seniors and best of luck on your future endeavors. Hooah!

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