Monday, August 23, 2010

ARTScool Manga Cartooning Student Exhibit at The von Liebig Art Center

Had a chance earlier today to view some of the finished projects from my students from the second ARTScool Manga Cartooning class at The von Liebig Art Center. The students were provided with black and white cartoon outlines based on them as asked to add background elements and coloring.
Dragon Warrior by 11 year old student.
Ninja Attack by 7 year old student.
Jungle Boy by 9 year old student.
The Prince and the Castle by 9 year old student.
The Sugar Gliders by 8 year old student.

1 comment:

  1. lololololol this pictures are so funny I can do well better and I'm an eleven year old.(some drawings was from when I was nine) I get dragon images up on Google and I copy them(not trace....COPY!) it comes out amazing and even my art teacher admits he's not that good.
