Friday, December 10, 2010

Painting Ceramic Bowls in the After School Program - Part 3

As this school term comes to a close and the holidays fast approach, many students are on the final stages of decorating their ceramic bowl painting projects. The idea is that they might use them as gifts once they are sealed with a protective coating.
Simple but pleasing cartoon design.
Applying some finishing decorative touches.
Starting the base coat on a new bowl.
Coloring a pre-drawn outline.
Skull bowl.Adding some paint decorations.Can't go wrong with a flaming skull design.Fellow instructor and student adding some decorations with Caran D'Ache Neocolor I wax crayons.Carp design in Ying & Yang pattern.
Painting her pre-drawn coloring outline.
Holiday kitty bowl.
Combining glitter and fresh acrylic paint drips.
These students took their bowls outside to apply the acrylic paint splatter a bit more freely.
While it might have seemed like a good idea at the time, it took quite a bit of elbow grease and water to clean up the surrounding area afterward.
This bowl was overworked a bit too much for my taste. The latter broad paint applications seem to take away some of the character from the earlier splatter pattern.
Some students decorated both the exterior and interior sides of their bowls.
Bowl interior view.
Some fanciful ink drips and splatter.
With light glitter application.
This students made good use of the glitter shaker.
This one in particularly turned out quite nicely.
Finished bowls drying. All that remains is to give them a protective varnish coating.
WIP bowls with their first base coat drying.While it can be a tad messy and labor intensive with the clean up at the end of the day, this bowl painting activity has proven quite popular and fun with the majority of the students participating in the after school program.

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