Tuesday, June 14, 2011

ARTSCool 2011 - Gallery of Works in Progress

This is a sample of the works in progress by students in the first Cartoon Sketching week-long course of ARTScool 2011 at The von Liebig Art Center. Each student started the creation of their own cartoon character using one of the Color Blank figurines. Full photo coverage available in my Flickr photostream: photo 1 through photo 17.
There were plenty of coloring activities to exercise eye-hand coordination and encourage the creative use of color.
Students also worked on basic construction of cartoon faces.
Students had a choice of partial sketches drawn on ledger size sheets (11" x 17" card stock) that they had to complete with foreground, middle ground, and background elements using graphite pencil. Then they were also provided with Sakura Pigma Sensei archival markers and Sharpie markers to ink and color their finished illustrations.

Students already started working on the coloring of their first pop-up card project of the week.

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