Saturday, January 28, 2012

First Teen Manga Sketchbook Class completed at Cary Arts Center

Just got back from teaching the first Teen Manga Sketchbook at the Cary Arts Center. We had a good turn out, and we had a fairly broad and productive introductory session with a group of boys and girls ranging in age from 11 to 15 years old. We went over some basic tips on constructing faces, drawing fighting figures, some animal drawing, designing zombies and spy characters wearing tactical vests. Every student got his or her face drawn to take home as a souvenir, some original sketches for practicing their inking technique, a dragon illustration, a vintage 3B pencil, and some handout sheets to further practice their sketching and coloring skills. We finished the session with a lucky draw for a handmade sketchbook from Neko Heavy Industries. All the completed class reviews were enthusiastically positive, so I look forward to offering similar follow up sessions where we can cover basic Kaiju/Creature/Dragon design and update some ninja and samurai characters with a sci-fi flair. Thank you to all the students that came to class today and keep on sketching!
Stay tuned for the next Manga Sketchbook class: As soon as we can schedule our next session, we'll let you know by e-mail when registration opens and announce it in this blog as well.

Cartoon Sketching (age 9-12)
Design and sketch characters and creatures typical of Japanese comics using pen and ink, markers and colored pencils on Mondays after school.

Fantasy Creatures
57823 Mon Feb 20-Mar 5 6-7 p.m.
Super heroes
57824 Mon Mar 12-26 6-7 p.m.
Ninja Sketching School
57825 Apr 9-23 6-7 p.m.
Dragons and Creature Design
57826 Apr 30-May 14 6-7 p.m.

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