Friday, September 19, 2014

Upcoming Classes in Durham Winter 2014

For my students in Durham:

Durham Arts Council Upcoming Classes - Fall 2014

Cartoon Sketching Anime & Manga Characters and
Creatures (Ages 5-12)
Sharpen eye-hand coordination and drawing skills while creating characters and fantasy creatures found in action and super hero movies, Japanese animation, and comic books. Create a cast and design a world to tell your own stories through comics or illustrated mini books. Class is suitable for beginners as well as advanced students that wish to continue to refine their sketching skills and try new art materials. Listed subtitles are flexible enough, so that each student may focus on the theme of their preference.

14F415.2 Wednesday, 5:30-7:15 PM October 15 - October 29 (3 weeks)

14F415.3 Wednesday, 5:30-7:15 PM November 5 – November 19 (3 weeks)

For the budding artists in the Student U program, our next two scheduled sessions will be on:

Thursday October 2 5:00-5:50 pm
Thursday November 6 5:00-5:50 pm

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