Saturday, May 15, 2010

City Fest done ... well sort of!

Yesterday afternoon we set up a handful of demo tables behind The von Liebig Art Center to host arts and craft activities for the families attending the Naples City Fest. Yet we ended up being so far from all the booths and attractions clustered on the opposite end of Cambier Park that nobody realized we were also part of the same event. Thus after drawing cartoon portraits of my fellow instructors and the ARTScool interns present, we all packed up our supplies and called it a day. Yet I decided to check out the festival before leaving, and was quite intrigued by the Super Science presentation on the flying paper ring. I am normally so swamped with drawing requests, that I usually never get a chance to check out the other activity booths of the events that I participate in. It was nice to chat a bit with Glen who happens to be a real expert on cool paper activities (I plan to use his timely tip on how to make a neat mini comic out of a single letter-size sheet paper in my cartooning classes, thanks Glen!). Since their face painter got sick and had to leave early, I ended up filling in the table next to them for the last hour of the event. Thus a few boys and girls and a couple of adults got their cartoon portraits drawn. Popular requests remain ninjas, mermaids, and fairies. The special portrait requests that stuck in my mind were the ninja shark, Transformer robot, and the Radiology nurse. It was great to see so many families enjoying the drawing process, and to meet a couple of people that had already attended Family Art Night at the Boys & Girls Club and my presentation at Lake Park Elementary. Sadly I got no pictures from today cause my cell battery died and forgot my camera battery in its charger.

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