Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mini Comics Fever

While I relied on this quick paper model from Glen to start making some mini comics for my cartooning class, you could check this video if you need further guidance on how to make the actual folds and single cut to create a 6-pages + front and back cover mini comic booklet out of a single sheet of paper. The neat thing about this simple Kirigami activity is that all you need is paper, scissors, and something to draw and color your story. No staples nor glue are needed to hold it together.
The mini comics are fairly close in size to the Artist Trading Cards (ATC) format.
Used the Sakura Pigma Sensei 0.4 and 0.6 mm pens to illustrate these mini comics.The goal here was to reinforce the concepts discussed during class, and to serve as a reminder to continue practicing.Quick rundown of popular manga genres appropriate for the students' age group.Kaiju (Strange Beast) pocket guide.The purpose of this mini comic was to illustrate how sketching and drawing can help students in learning scientific material.
Once an original was drawn, it was scanned and printed to try different coloring approaches for the cover. For this batch, I used some Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pens.
A few mini comics with colored covers to serve as samples for my cartooning class later today.

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