Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gallery of Manga Cartoon Portraits of the Day

Thank you very much to everybody that stopped by and patiently waited to get their cartoon portraits drawn at the live caricature booth at the Art Festival in Downtown Naples earlier today.
Next time, I will try flipping this arrangement 180 degrees, so that visitors passing by can more easily observe the cartoon drawing process.
The first Dragon Ninja of the day knows how to ride in style.
Cartoon portrait before and after the coloring step.
Our second Dragon Ninja of the day happily casting some blue flame Avatar-style.
Just realized that this was the only mermaid portrait today. Often this particular request is quite popular among the girls. Guess the girl that wanted to be a fairy mermaid (a novel request that has been increasing in popularity in its own right) changed her mind, or did not return to the booth after all.
Surfer Girl cartoon portrait. It had been a while since I got this particular request.

Dragon Ninja #3: our single Kunoichi of the day sporting dual swords, shuriken in hand, and a naginata on her back.
A nice change of pace, a straight cartoon portrait drawn with watersoluble graphite (Caran D'Ache Technalo 3B lead) and a waterbrush.
Crimson Dragon Ninja ready for anything with his 4 swords and handful shuriken ready for a quick-strike.
Straight colored cartoon portrait.
Drawing the hair on this princess portrait was a lot of fun.
And we finished the day with yet another Dragon Ninja. Remember our two Japanese words for the day are kunoichi= "female ninja" and shuriken=""sword hidden in the hand" or "Throwing star". Enjoy your drawings and continue practicing your sketching skills as often as you can. Take your sketchbook and some drawing tools along everywhere you go.