Cracking open a fresh box of
Rembrandt 30 Half Pastels, and trying out the brilliant colors that can be achieved with soft pastels for the first time.
Pre-K little sister doodling with
Art Rose markers following in her elder sister's footsteps.

Young artists at work using
Caran D'Ache Neocolor I wax crayons and soft pastels. It's hard to understand the price difference between these Swiss-made wax crayons and their counterparts from the local kid's crafts aisle until you actually try them. Even grown ups would enjoy coloring again alongside their kids with these smooth crayons that yield rich saturated hues on the paper with ease. This product line is water-resistant and produces very little mess since the sturdy crayon sticks do not break easily.

Ooops! didn't leave enough room for the head, but already showing a high degree of observation skills at a very young age while copying the clown drawing guide. Colors and shapes are being accurately perceived and confidently drawn.

Second try taking no chances and started sketching the head and decided on her own to work on a flat surface instead of the easel.

Demonstrating her creativity, observation, and memory skills once more, Nicole finished her drawing by enhancing the original design with juggling balls as she had seen the previous day at the
Ringling Circus show. In a further display of initiative, she proceeded to create another clown design.

In the meantime, Camila was getting acquainted with the properties of
Faber-Castell aquarelle sticks and a
Niji flat waterbrush. Noticed the wet paper towel and shop towel kept close by to keep little hands clean and free from moist watercolor and stray pastel crayon dust. Close supervision is always required when allowing children to handle artist grade supplies even if they are non-toxic (as it's naturally the case with all the supplies featured here) to prevent them from unwittingly ingesting them (never a good thing) or staining their clothing and furniture (since we wouldn't want any such accidental damage to hinder their artistic development by restricting their media exploration to just kids art supplies with their paler hues and limited performance).

Now trying out a
Conte Crayons pastel set while combining two ninja drawing cards into one design back at her easel.

Quickly learned to wipe her fingers on the wet shop towel when switching between color pastel crayons and also
kept wet paper towels right beneath her drawing to collect pastel dust (Good tip to keep pastel drawing mess to a minimum and facilitate cleaning)

After combining elements from the "ninja on the mountain" and "the ninja having lunch" drawing guide cards, she finished her drawing by adding a rainbow. Creative kids will continue to pleasantly surprise you by combining the guidelines they are given and by going beyond the task parameters by adding details of their own.

The perennial little girls' favorite drawing subject: "Mermaids"! Nicole chose to portray them feeding sharks. Once more notice the attention to detail and observation prowess in the depiction of the shark gills.
1 comment:
much talent they have.
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